2016 Cheerios Childline Breakfast Week
Cheerios Childline Breakfast Week is a fun charity breakfast which is hosted across the country to help support the ISPCC Childline services which answers calls from children in need across Ireland 24 hours a day.
Whether you are a playschool, creche, community group, school, business or organisation you can join in the fun and register a breakfast to help support children who need the continual support of Childline.
When you register you will be able to receive portion packs of Cheerios to help with organising your breakfast.
You can register now by calling 1850 50 40 50 or click the Link
The 2016 Cheerios Childline Breakfast Together Week will take place from Monday 17th – Sunday 23rd October.
Cheerios & Childline are asking as many people as possible – schools, creches, companies, coffee shops, friends and families – to come together, hold a breakfast event and raise much needed funds for Childline.
Childline is the only 24-hour listening service which seeks to support and empower children and young people in Ireland. Last year, Childline had conversations with almost 400,000 children and young people who contacted the service for help and advice with wide-ranging serious issues, including abuse, violence, exploitation, addiction and suicide. That is an astounding 1,089 contacts by children a day, on issues that no child should encounter.
Register your event now, join in the fun and help support Childine.